Good gracious, what a weekend. Sunny days and lawn working, making. . .making and more making. Really, I don't even know where to start on this one. There has been significant progress on the new collar piece, but I shall save that for tomorrow as I wanted to post the cameo pattern for your enjoyment today, but first one thing that transpired in the comments of Friday's blog that I would be remiss not to mention here.
I was called out on the pattern for the Key to My Heart pendant. You see the pattern was among the first I snagged from the Internet when I began learning to tat. All that remains of it is a faded, stained diagram of it. I don't think I ever knew who designed it & couldn't remember where I found it, but I adored it so that I kept right on using it well after I had begun to design my own pieces. Part of me hopes that the designer would see it and contact me, but it never happened so I let it slide away. In Friday's comments the designer, Betsy Evans, was named along with a polite suggestion that I credit her. I don't think I've changed a listing so fast in my life. I never did try to claim ownership of the design, I just never had enough information to share the origin before. Hopefully it's is remedied now and I hope I have not upset anyone with this glaring omission. Of course in hindsight I could have just asked and a dozen tatters would have likely had the answer, but when I was concerned I knew few tatters and like I said, I let it slip away and did not think much about it after. Lazy? Maybe, but a more elaborate excuse would be a lie. Now onto the pattern.
Tatted Cameo Pendantsize 10 crochet cotton, size 5 needle ( of course you may substitute, but size will vary)
*R 5ds picot 5ds close rw
*R of 8 Victorian sets (sets are 10 of the 1st half ds and 10 2nd half ds) separated by a small picot
close rw
*ch 3ds picot 3 ds picot 3ds picot 3 ds join to first small picot of previous ring. Continue around until you reach the end join t top of ring. Close, cut and tie.
If you've not done Victorian sets, they are similar to Josephine chains and twist back and forth on their own, let them. The sets will form a zigzag pattern. When joining the chains to the ring take a moment to make sure that the rings turns stays even for the best result.
I used a head pin, added a key and bead though the top ring, but you of course may add whatever fits in the cameo. I would prefer if you use the pattern for personal use, but as long as you fill your cameo with something different than mine you may feel free to sell your piece as well since I think they will all look so different. I would of course ask that you credit me for the design...I know this sounds a bit ironic today, but there you have it.
Any questions feel free to ask. I was going to do a Victorian sets video, but got far too busy this weekend, but it may still happen. Good luck and enjoy.