Thursday, March 14, 2013

I'm Trying

Well, I awoke to some ridiculous traffic in my shop this morning. No sales, but a crap ton of views. Turns out this treasury was featured on the front page around 1am eastern time. Not surprisingly I was not awake to get a screenshot of the front page, but here's the treasury since it is pretty.

Now that that is out of the way, let me back up to yesterday's progress. I managed to finish the pieces that were in queue and then I spent far too long trolling for inspiration for a new design. I had a few ideas flick through, but they turned out to be less practical than I had hoped. The issue is that if I'm going to offer the pendant at a nice cheap price, I need to be able to make it quickly with as little fuss as possible so I don't get overwhelmed.

I did start work on a modified antique motif. As it is here, it's pretty and simple and might just do the trick, though I feel like I'm cheating a little in not designing it from the ground up.

I did also play with it a little trying to come up with further modifications, but even though I really love the look of the beaded up one there on the right, it was a serious pain to add those beads and join those long picots, thus it failed the fuss test. There was much fuss. I suppose I still have time so I might again try to mine a different design for the tatting day pendant from the depths of my brain and if I manage to find one, this motif will make it's way into the shop, priced to accommodate the amount of fuss or in it's plainer incarnation. Of course if you think the basic version would make a great $5 pendant for the holiday and I'm just over thinking the whole thing, please let me know so I don't drive myself mad today. Thanks.


Denise - Jewelry By Denise said...

I do really like that comment. I would for sure order at least one if you featured it as your 'tatting day' pendant. :)

Denise - Jewelry By Denise said...

Oops, meant pendant, got ahead of myself there thinking about 'posting a comment' and that word stuck :)

Beelizabeth said...

It's weird but when you mentioned a tagging day pendant, this exact design flashed through mind! That's just weird!!! I really like it.

Beelizabeth said...

My kindle fire does not like the word " tatting" and keeps changing it to tagging. I've got it fixed now.

Vicky said...

LOVE the basic pendant, and I'd totally buy it for $5! No matter what color you make it in! Oddly enough, I'm not actually digging the beaded version, so I don't think the extra fuss is necessary.