Yay, so much tatting done and there are even photos to share. First up we have the wedding lot that includes the new tatted moth and a fine bevy of boutonnieres. There is a little finishing work that still needs to be done on these before they are off, some jump rings, a little stiffening and a few pressed petals. Otherwise though the pile is complete. I think I might post up the pattern to the moth once I get some time to write it out properly.

Next up we have a brand new set based on the Tenebrous pattern that I mentioned yesterday. Sometimes all I need is a good reason to muck with a pattern. First I came up with the choker version by converting half the design into an edging. It is very similar to other edgings but this one matches perfectly. I was over thinking the conversion at first with split rings and other nonsense. In the end it was just moving a picot, dropping another and adding a strategically placed chain and done.

Last was the conversion of my Petite Goth bracelet into a matching piece. This one had to be over thought and once I had the plot I started the bracelet. This wouldn't have been a problem except my original idea was to make the little edge motif first and then tat it into the bracelet when I reached the center. Rather than stop and start over once I realized I jumped the gun, I just figured out a new way to work it in. Surprisingly the unholy union of the two designs seems to have worked. I still need to lengthen the piece and make its mate as well, but I'm happy with the matched set at this point.
Lastly today, I would like to thank everyone who offered suggestions and help regarding the Wunderkammer both here and elsewhere. I appreciate the advice and the offers. I had a handful of folks willing to do guest curations and my response was that I am too much of a control freak to keep my hands off of them at this point. Rather than abandon the idea though, I will be brainstorming for a way that I think they might work. I also think that the posting dates of the Wunderkammer will be shifting to Tuesday through Saturday so I don't have to do them on the weekend at all. It was also suggested that I do some in advance and schedule the posts for later. I have tried that in the past and almost every time something featured would sell in the meantime and I disliked having sold pieces there meaning I'd go back and redo the whole thing. So that's the plan for now...crap it's bill day, I've gotta fly.
I am so behind on my blog reading, as usual lol
I LOVE the moths!!!! wow, I really hope you decide to offer those in some form (smaller or diff colors) they seriously rock!! I see fairy wings, but thats just me =o) great job!
Just received them in the mails!
I love them! So. Much.
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