So, something you might not know about me is that I've been a bit of an attachment parent. What does that mean? Well for us, it meant extended nursing, carrying my children in a sling rather than a stroller and for over six years now, a family bed. Last night I tried the impossible, to get my kids to sleep in their own room at night. They take their naps in there with no problem and they are just getting too big for us all to have a useful nights sleep together. I decided to sleep in there with them on the floor as a transitional thing. As you might have guessed, I did not have a great nights sleep. The oldest slept perfectly, the youngest woke up and wanted to cuddle once during the night and whimper cried a bit, but I think it shouldn't take too many floor sleeping nights to get them settled. This is where you tell me I'm right and this is really easy.

Back to the tatting, I sussed out the design for the graduated arm band and was pretty proud of myself, but the larger the piece looked like it was going to be, the higher I had to raise the price. When I shared that bit with the customer, though understanding, they were unable to agree to the price. I might still make one up to sell at some point just to see how it would turn out for certain. Then it was more Luna Moth madness. There were a couple more prototypes and then this one. It laid the way I wanted and a couple of inward facing picots pulled the body together nicely. There is just one more adjustment I made on another prototype and that was a tension thing to make the lower wings a bit straighter on the inside bringing the tips closer together. Now I wait until my perfectly hand dyed thread arrives and I get these made as well as a few other wedding pieces.
My goal today is to first of all stay awake, then I have a necklace to finish remaking and list. I still want to get a black version of my cat mask done, but I still haven't decided what color to make the eyes, green, I suppose.Oh and then there are the ears, do I use the dark gray for a subtle color difference or go all the way to pink...likely gray I think. I will likely not get to the mask yet and there are a few too many of them listed as custom orders anyway. I do think it's time to pull out the spider necklaces from last year and get them listed as everyone has mentally moved onto Halloween...yeah, who knows what I'll get done today, if I stay awake.
I love luna moths!
Very appealing butterfly - moth - as it has such an unusual, unique shape. Well done!
Fox : )
We did the family bed thing with both of our girls. Moved them out when they turned 3. There were only a few sleepless nights, I was really surprised how well they transitioned. Of course my Mom constantly told me how I'd never get them to sleep on their own, but they really did just fine. It helps that there were 2 of them, and they always had their sister close. Best of luck!
#1: It'll only be a few more days of floor sleeping and everything will be fine. ;-) (*ducks* Sorry... I couldn't resist, please, don't hit me).
#2: LOVE the moth!
#3: I say gray for the ears and blue for the eyes, but that's probably just me. LOL. What about yellow or a yellow-green? Isn't that usually the creepy color for black cats' eyes? I probably just want blue because my cat has blue eyes... :-) I vote yellow, in the end though... :-/
-Stephanie Grace
Wow, your moth is gorgeous! Representational tatting so often doesn't really look like the animals, flowers, etc that it's meant to look like, but I have no criticism for this moth.
The moth is so beautiful Pamela, I'm totally crying. THANK YOU SO.
Fantastic moth!
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