Wednesday, July 15, 2015


After a long morning walk and some errands, we were mostly home yesterday. Mostly home means that I had plenty of sitting time and that translates into tatting time. First I worked up the new little piece into a bracelet. While it may appear straight forward, there was a little finagling to create it in one pass. Though once I got the trick down it worked up easily and fairly straight with the first try.

Once that was made I went straight onto the necklace version. It required a bit of a stitch count change so that it would curve a bit. For bracelets close to straight is better, but I like some designs to sit just at the base of the neck and that needs a curve. After that was done, I went ahead and made another of the first motif to create a pair of earrings. I still need to add hardware to all the pieces and I will probably get them all in the shop on Friday when the husband is back to work. I get terribly self conscious taking listing photos of myself when anyone besides the children are around. I even tend to wait until they're busy elsewhere to do so.

The last thing I did in the evening was to start crocheting a new RPL cord. I didn't get very far and I'm not entirely sure what I plan on making with it, but I suppose I'll figure it out as the day goes by. There are no big plans for the day and I'm taking my time remaking a large crystal necklace. I still have many, many crystals to sew on and it's mind numbing work. Mixing it in with other projects is just the best way to go.

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