I got completely sidetracked yesterday and started myself a brand new blog. I had thought about doing this for a while, but it was just idle speculation really. I decided to say something 'out loud' on twitter just to see what the reaction would be and it was good. This sent me on nearly a day long quest to design and create the thing. I didn't think that I would actually get it up and running by the afternoon, but I did and now you can visit my Wunderkammer.

The name was a gift from Libby Bulloff of
exoskeletoncabaret , well mostly, so thanks Libby! It means a cabinet of curiosities and since I plan on finding the dark, romantic and steamy amongst the items at etsy it seemed a perfect name. The first post is up with some quick steamy finds and the second features some more Gothic beauties. My husband is afraid that this venture is going to take too much more of my time, but I'm hoping to keep it quick and clean. If it seems like I need a little help, I might seek some guest posters of like taste to keep the stress down.
The reason I wanted to do this finds was because though there are plenty of blogs featuring etsy items, mostly they stick to the cute or kitchy and rarely are they dark and sumptuous. While I am certainly no amazing archeologist, I shall dig and find what I like and probably what I cannot afford. I hope that I can provide a unique place to find some of the more unique things that etsy has to offer and perhaps elsewhere if I get adventurous. It's still pretty bare and I haven't filled up the sidebars with anything yet. I still haven't decided whether this would be a good spot to try out ads for the first either. I guess what I'm saying is it's a work in progress. If you have any suggestions for finds, just let me know through the email in my profile, I'm certain to need a little help now and again.
Sounds Fab. Love the banner & looking forward to your finds.
Good idea.I'm not deep into Goth, but I love, love, love people showing that there's more to etsy than kitschy and cutesy. We're going to start a weekly post alternating between fantasy and pagan shops, and Ill give your new blog a mention there.
It's true, there are lots of cute etsy finds blogs out there and not enough of the, 'dark and steamy'!
There is only one other blog I visit daily that is on the dark side, and I've pretty much favourited all the sellers she has mention.. I guess now there is another one for me to visit!
You're amazing, woman. How you find time for it all is beyond me, I can barely get a post a week up on my single blog.
But I'd love to volunteer for very occasional guest curator on the excellent new blog, every once and a while, that would be so fun!
I've given you an award. Please come check it out! http://berifields.blogspot.com/2009/03/wow-i-got-award.html
I really do love the new blog. And I think it would be a good place to have some ad spots. I used to advertise on find blogs a lot, before realizing that my style didn't fit with theirs. Wunderkammer is right up my alley, though :D
Hi! I just came by to invite you to my party!
Hope you stop on by for my 1st Blogoversary/100th post celebration! I'm even having a giveaway! Do come on over! Everyone is invited!!! :)
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