The sale portion of my anniversary event is doing fairly well now too. Of course now that I've said something, I'll get no more sales. That's just the way it works. Since we've reached the final prize level, I can also stop going on and on about the giveaway everyday, but I do have one more little bit to share. I have decided that I will continue to add additional pendants to the giveaway with every 30 entrants. Since I can't really add any more large prizes to the pot, but I don't want the entries to dry up, this seems the best way to continue a bit of momentum. I guess that means your chances of winning something are about one in thirty no matter what, so keep spreading the word.
I guess I should go add that info to the giveaway post now so everyone knows what's up. I did also want to say how happy I am that I am also getting word from several people that my work is prompting them to either start tatting again or to pick up a needle or shuttle for the first time. If you're new around here, you haven't heard my grand plan to make tatting the next crafting craze. I know that it's not very likely, but one should always maintain at least one nice unattainable goal and this is mine. Every time I hear one of these stories, I think that it's not as ridiculous as I thought, so thanks for sharing!
I already have a friend who has picked up tatting after seeing your stuff and the mask instructable. And another who keeps threatening to. And I keep wanting to do more incorporation of tatting into other things, so you are making progress. :)
I posted the link to your etsy shop to an author's listserve. At least one person replied that she's inspired to try & learn to tat again. One more person (the author) just drooled a little & marveled at your patience. FYI
It is on my list of 'to-do' things. I have even found someone who will teach me. Now I have to clean a couple things off my proverbial plate. But I am totally drooling over your stuff. They are absolutely WONDERFUL!
Ok, going to see if I can find out what you were talking about with contest stuff.....
Honestly, I think it is because your stuff is so unique that you inspire others. You take old designs and use them in an extremely modern and "not your grandma's doily" style that is just so different. If my own learning doesn't go well I may hire you for custom made necklace and ankle corsets for my brother's wedding in Sept. :)
Speaking as someone whose chosen craft did become the "next big thing," I think you may find that you prefer tatting to be obscure :) It's very frustrating to try to sell your work when everyone and her sister thinks that she can do exactly what you do, and for cheaper!
/end rant
That said, I'm very happy to hear that your giveaway and sale are going so well :)
I'm tickled that this is going even better for you than you expected! Congratulations!
I think you will conquer the world by turning everyone, but me, into a tatter! LOL You've had overwhelming results with your contest. Glad you went first....now I have some parameters when I begin mine.
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