Thursday, September 15, 2016


I was a bit distracted by household tasks and recorded television shows yesterday. Nothing too major, but it made me double down on my reading to see if I could make the same progress as the day before. I made it to 18%, but just barely. I think what really suffered was my knotting. At one point I was reading and peddling on the stationary bike, but I can't do that and knot. I needed to move more than I needed to knot though. I was getting pretty sedentary.

I was asked how I read and knot at the same time and this is how. I never thought I'd get into digital reading as I do love the feel and heft of a printed book, but the freedom it allows me is amazing. My hands are free to knot or tat or knit. I can get up and read while walking and put it down anywhere without losing my place. I can carry what would be an enormous 1200 page book in one hand. Page turning is a tap I can accomplish between stitches or knots. I can also have any book I want in a matter of seconds and you just can't beat that. I do still buy printed books from my favorite authors or when I find a good deal at the bookstore, but for multitasking, the kindle is king.


Madtatter80 said...

Your lace is very beautiful and your talented :)

Fox said...

I sure agree about E- reading! Love it.