Monday, June 22, 2015

Long Lace

I did end up cleaning on Friday. I'm not entirely certain why, but once that was done, I knew I could waste much more time with the bobbin lace. I finished the long piece I started the day before and started searching for somewhere to go from there. I looked up the different styles and I really wanted to try out different shapes, but I wasn't having much luck finding patterns with instructions nor ones that only needed 12 pairs of bobbins.

I then returned to the patterns I'd already done. I flipped through the prickings and saw I had printed out some plain dot paper. So I decided to try my hand at making it up myself. Of course my 'making it up' consisted totally of putting the elements I liked in the order I liked on the background I liked. No real designing was being done here. I just want to be clear that I haven't the still set yet for real designing in this medium and I'm not going to pretend I do. That being said, I was pretty proud of the piece I made. In fact I was so proud that I actually took the time to hide all the ends when I finished the piece. I also learned a few lesson about how not to start a design, so it was a win.

Other than the bobbin lace, the weekend was spent doing family things and working on my crochet project while reading. I even managed to finish one half of the crochet project.

The kids have one more week of classes at the college, so that's one more week of sitting outside with some project or other. I might just crochet, or I might bring my needle and thread and tat just for the sake of doing so. I still have no real projects, sales, or ideas to work on. The the summer is still young, so I still have hope.


Jane McLellan said...

That you can recombine elements shows you're really getting the hang of it.

craftie sylvie said...

Sorry for not commenting sooner on your lace-bobbin-work. Busy is such an understatement at the moment - working plus moving (AGAIN!!!) and so packing and sorting and repacking :(
But of course I do take the time to read your posts; not everyday of course (a first in history really!) but I do catch up regularly.
I've always admired lacework, especially bobbin lace, because of its delicacy but also simply because I can't figure out how it works. I definitely want to give it a try one day, but there's this problem of only-24-hours-in-a-day again. Anyway, I wanted to take the opportunity of your first personal design to say how much I'm impressed. I'd thought one would need lessons with an expert to master such a difficult skill, but you managed on your own so very quickly! It's amazing really. You're quite right to feel proud.
Sylvie :)

erin said...

Look out! She's gone commando!

Great job!