Ah, the day after, the morning after. I took some time out yesterday morning to toot my own horn by posting a link to yesterdays blog post in all my usual haunts and I saw a few more posts online about the show. The only one I will share with you this morning was by a fashion friend that I know from twitter. This is the only post so far where my lace is mentioned, she even kindly included a link to my shop. The blog post is here at
Broke & Beautiful. I did also get an interview request from another friend, so when that is up, I will link you to that as well.
So what now? I am experiencing the inevitable letdown that occurs after one has focused so much energy on one singular event. This morning I find myself a little rudderless. I do have a few pieces left that need remaking and I am focusing on that for the time being. I don't want to dwell too long in the light of all the kind congratulatory comments or the fall to normality will be much more painful, so I'm just moving on now.

While I was in a holding pattern waiting for packages to arrive, I did make a couple of custom pieces I can share though. I think I mentioned that I had two headbands to make based on existing necklaces. The first here was any easy remake. I threw off an extra ring in the center of each motif rather than attach a bead, which is what I do with the necklace version. I also joined an extra picot on the small outside rings to keep the structure tighter.

The second one was based on my 'A Scandal In Bohemia' necklace, but rather than try to take the shape of the necklace, I just appropriated a single element from the design and repeated it into it's own undulating design. I then wrapped the design around at the end for a nice place to add the ribbon. I keep saying that I've going to put these headbands in the shop, but the ones I have put in the shop seem to just sit there. I think it might just be a cost thing as they are just as expensive as the necklaces, but less ornate seeming in their use. Yeah, I don't know.
So the Wunderkammer is back and I am just slowly remaking a few things. The shop is pretty dead which always seems to happen when I have big news to share so I might play with some one off pieces though honestly, I'm not feeling the creative spark at the moment. I think I need a little refocusing first.
You sound like my "thirty-something" daughter...like you need a break but don't want to give yourself permission to take it. Give yourself at least one day as a break---you deserve it.
I love the designs of both of these pieces. Very romantic but modern.
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