It rained a ridiculous amount of the day yesterday and promises to continue to do so for a few more days at least. The weather has intensified the malaise I usually get when attention dies down and I must refocus. Of course it could just be that I've eaten too much Valentines candy and my tummy is unhappy with me, but malaise is so much more dramatic. Despite the mood , I was able to finish up and list the red mask. The modeled photos are really sub par, but I wasn't in the mood to bother with any real effort. I also haven't yet sold any masks with this design yet, but I really love making it.

Once that was done and I puttered around for a bit and did some laundry, I got back to the collar idea I mentioned yesterday. I really went back and forth on which design elements to use. i wanted it to be different from the throat corset piece, but I still wanted it to maintain that same sort of silhouette. I ended up using the same motif, a row of graduated split rings and daisy clusters. The first picture is just me holding bits I've already completed next to a daisy necklace to see if they would work as a focal piece.
Once I decided that this was going to work, I also realized that I hadn't done any of the math required to see if the length of this mishmash of elements would be right. So then out came the measuring tape and I spent way too long working out which bits would have to go where to make it a good length. It will lace up the back so there is a bit of wiggle room, but I still have a minimum length that I like these sort of pieces to be.
I still have some more tatting on the piece to do and I think I might do some more work around the daisies to stabilize the piece, but I'll figure that out as I go. Then once I have the lace finished, it'll be time to play with chains. I only have bright silver on hand, so I might head to the store this weekend to pick up some in varying shades, gun metal, black, etc. just so I can have a bit more variety to play with, but we'll see how the weekend plays.
Very nice mask and I love the flower design on the neck corset! :)
Sensational red mask.. Reminds me of an Edgar Allen Poe story... In my opinion, this is one of the most striking items you have created to date. I am so impressed.
Fox : )
Hermosa mascara roja, te quedo increible. OTRA BELLEZA COMO TODAS LAS QUE TU HACES. FELICIDADES
Have you ever thought about doing head pieces? look here
love the sparkly touch on the red mask. It reminds me of the valentines cinamon hearts. Yummy
Curse you Crazy Mom Tats! I'm on my second headpiece already this weekend.
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