Okay, in the grand scheme of things I get that this isn't really all that important,but for me, the bottom dropped out. The New York designer I have been working with emailed to say that my package had not arrived. What?!? I tracked that thing obsessively and the bloody USPS said that it arrived on the 31st. Before you ask it was a big Priority mail box and it was insured, but not signed for. After a bit of back and forth with the tracking information and double checking that the address was accurate, it was, it is left up to her to see if she can find where the package got to...in less than a week.
So I start this week with a horrible feeling of dread. There is nothing I can do either. I can't possibly remaking the contents of that package in time and to make matters worse, it contains my one of a kind, irreplaceable masquerade mask that I was loaning for the show. I am truly devastated, my stomach is in knots and I could barely sleep last night as my mind wandered from one awful scenario to another awful scenario. This, my friends is why I never share good news, because somewhere deep down, I fear that this sort of thing is inevitable. So, I am hoping beyond hope that it did arrive safely and just got misdirected to the wrong desk, but after a week I know that it's unlikely. I know it's my own fault for getting my hopes up, for trusting the postal service and for assuming that the tracking was accurate. So there is likely no fashion show for me and I will slink back under my rock and try to not let that stop me from getting other work done. I have the sad.
How awful! I'm so sorry this has happened. I do hope there has been an error somewhere, and your package turns up in time for the fashion show. Fingers crossed.
Oh, how terrible - I hope the package gets found in time!
I am so sorry!
don't give up yet, if you are anything like me you have to fear failure before you can appreciate your success fully. I have a feeling it will be found, hey i have been spreading the word that tatting is hitting the runways, this is big for all tatters. and good job on the belly dance outfit!!!!!
I am hoping that you will recieve good news.....the only time a package was "lost" and I was involved...the USPS DID track it down and find it. I will be thinking good thoughts for you.
I'm sorry... What a diseaster!
I am so sorry to hear of the problem with your package. All thoughts are going to it turning up in time.
best wishes
It sounds like a nightmare, but I think you must keep hope, most of the time packages are located.
I'm so sorry to hear this! I can only imagine how worried and fed up you must be (to put it politely) - but don't give up hope - as others have said, packages do turn up. Keeping everything crossed for you. x
It's been my personal luck that any packages that I've been looking for seems to arrive at the last minute. It will get there, and in time for the show! Good luck!
I really didn't know where to put this comment but I just tatted my first flower pendant--using your wonderful video. My needles came in the mail today and I couldn't wait to get started.....I'm hooked. I just want to say Thank you.....it is really wonderful that you would share your knowledge with others.
Was just gutted to read this, especially about the mask. Probably, it's made it to the building it's just been stuck in the wrong office or something. I'm sure it's a madhouse there. Sending you all the luck I can that they find it in time!
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