Thursday, February 12, 2009

What Else Do You Want, Blood?

Well, I found something to be annoyed at this week. It's not really something new, but I did get a message this morning that got me thinking about it again, overexposure. You see, my online presence is directly related to my etsy experience. Before I discovered etsy as an outlet for my developing craft of tatting, I had no online presence. I used the Internet for games and music and as an endless source of information. I was a lurker that rarely if ever engaged others. That all changed when I first discovered the etsy forums and joined the plague of locusts on their seemingly never ending conquest of social sites.

I ran with the locusts to MySpace and Indiepublic, I applied and was rejected from Trunkt...twice. I started a blog, joined, never listed anything and left Lollishops and landed in the Twitterverse. I have all but abandoned both MySpace and Indiepublic, in fact the only things I maintain now are my Etsy shop, my blog and Twitter and you know what I'm done. I've left the cloud of locusts. I am now flying alone. As I've stated before, I'm just not that social, so stop asking me to join you on another Ning site or random networking site. I'm giving you all I've got already.

This also means that I have no intention of starting a facebook page, joining ArtFire or any of the half dozen other new selling venues. Sometimes I envy the youth of some of my crafting peers and their endless energy for social networking and maintaining multiple storefronts. I, however, have two small children and a craft that is a bit on the time consuming side. I wish that I could build up a lot of inventory to spread around, but unless I want to further neglect my real life, it isn't happening. My eggs shall remain comfortable in their little Etsy basket. There may come a day when I give in and get a facebook page, and who's to say that there won't be another place that I like even more than twitter one day in the future, but for now I'm spent.


. c h o k l i t . said...

Serious social networking fatigue! Here's what I attempt to keep up:

Etsy shop, blog, Steam Team forums, Twitter, Facebook, MySpace, Tribe, and Flickr.

Of course half of them fall by the wayside, only to be visited every once in a while... but I've gotten in the habit of turning down every new invite, too - and I couldn't even fathom keeping up a second shop besides the Etsy one!

I think we all have to draw the line somewhere if we want to have a life beyond the computer screen... so good for you.

RockLove said...

Absolutely! There is not enough time in the day, and once you waste it all on Etsy, Facebook, MySpace, Tribe, Flickr, Twitter, Blogger, LiveJournal, DeviantArt, ArtFire, Smashing Darling, Lollishops, Trunkt, other people's blogs, your personal website....

*gasps a deep breathe*

Well when is there time for MAKING AND SHIPPING!?

mama4 said...

What is twitter?

Wenchie said...

I agree with you there except I dropped myspace for facebook because everyone and their mother (literally) are on there and it's a great way to keep in touch.

Recycled By Hyena said...

Agree too, though this is really a catch 22 situation...

Sew This N That said...

I only have my blog and that is enough for me, hands up to all of those that are multi-talented but doesn't it sort of suck the joy out of crafting if you have no time to create because of all the differnt sites you have to maintain?
I don't blame you not wanting to take on anything more :0)
**Hugs** Heather x