The weekend proved to be just as long as the week that preceded it. We spent all of Sunday at my in-laws watch commercials. Well that and to let the kids hang out and play with their cousins. Anyway, on Friday while I was watching my dvr'd episode of Supernatural I caught the preview for today's episode of Gossip Girl. First off, I don't watch the show at all but since I don't actually live under a rock, I know that it is critically acclaimed and people follow the fashion on the show. Secondly, about a month or so ago I sold a mask to who appears to be the property manager for the show. Lastly, the preview seemed to depict a masquerade of some sort.

When the mask was purchased from me, I was given no indication that it would be used in the show, I just guessed that it might. I have absolutely no reason to believe that the mask will be worn in the show and even if it is, it will be most likely worn by some random extra in the background. I know this must come off a little pessimistic, but I prefer to assume a more realistic outcome and be surprised by more rather that hope for too much only to be disappointed.
The point I suppose I'm trying to make here, is if you watch the show keep an eye out for this tatted mask, then let me know you if you saw it straight away. I plan on recording the episode and scanning through it tomorrow, but I'm guessing that many of you, particularly on the east coast will know way before I will. I actually spent my Superbowl time tatting up another of these masks just in case it gets air time and then I get to add the tag line 'As seen on Gossip Girl' to the listing. Okay I know I'm getting ahead of myself here.
I did also get some time to start on a new project based on a pair of shoes I saw on
HauteMacabre. I don't have enough to show you yet, but it's coming along alright. Also, just a heads up that I might just be having a special giveaway from a friend on the blog soon, so keep an eye out for that as well.
"As... possibly... seen on Gossip Girl!" That in itself is exciting, congratulations! I don't watch the show myself, nor do I even know what channel it is on - but I have some friends that are fanatics and will point them in the direction of your blog.
Anndddd I subscribed to you now that I have my own Blogger space! Keeping an eye on all your amazing projects and beautiful photos!
xoxo Hope you have a great week!
I'll be watching too! I also am looking forward to the "as seen on Gossip Girl" tagline. I'm also thinking of having the YouTube version of it available.
I don't watch the show either, but I hope that your mask and Tom's mask are in there! How cool would that be?
I just love handmade masks... gave my husband a leather Cthulhu one for the holidays this year.
More often then not if they are going to fork out the money for a hand made mask it will be on one of the Primary's or at the very least a union extra with lines. In addition to that keep an eye on the other shows the prop master does as they often keep the product and re-use it, or if the actor really likes it sometimes they get to keep it ;)
That's so exciting to know your work may be on there!
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