Seriously, I woke up this morning and searched my brain for anything to write about and I came up blank. No big events, pending projects or annoyances to rant about. There's still four days left on the Valentine giveaway and I shipped out the custom order that was vexing me so yesterday. So, yeah, I got nothing. I couldn't even seem to come up with a personal reveal to fill the space.
It's my own fault really. Nobody ever said that I had to write a blog post everyday, Monday through Friday. It was my own need for routine that landed me in this quandary. I know that it's about quality not quantity and some of my favorite bloggers post on a fairly erratic schedule, but no I must post.

Let's see if I've got anything to share...I finished up my custom order that included the red Victorious choker that I shared the other day. Much of the stress of the order was self inflicted as always. I really should have just sat back and clarified every detail before beginning, but I didn't. One of the results of that order was an additional piece without a home. An larger version of the Victorious choker in black. The biggest challenge of listing this plus sized piece was making sure that I worded the listing well and since I could not take a picture of myself wearing it I was left using pictures of the smaller version. It's a good thing I have all my twitter friends you were quick to offer advice on the subject keeping my embarrassment to a minimum.
I'm spending the day tatting up a mask or two, then perhaps I can get back to work on my tatted spat idea. Then of course there's the mini knitting combined with tatting idea to mull around and I've got to come up with a compelling personal reveal for the week. I think one thing is clear this morning. I have a hard time being brief even when I have nothing to say.
Ooh, I have a reveal suggestion... a sappy one for Valentine's week... tell us how you met your man!
Gee! For someone with nothing to say, you actually said quite a lot.
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