I ended up working on the new mask all day long. I know, I know...I t looked finished, but I added crystals and then decided to embroider the entire outside edge with metallic thread instead of filament. It was an excellent decision as the thread behaved much better than the filament usually does even if it's not quite as shiny. Other things I learned from this endeavor, putting the bead tassels on first makes embroidery and even sewing on crystals...troublesome. Oh and thinking I was going to sew seed beads on anything was a mistake. I think I got five on before I chucked the idea and decided to just embroider around the eyes too.

You can probably tell from the photos that I finished too late in the day to get any good pictures taken, so that is on tap for me today. I'm going to try my hardest to capture all that embroidery and the crystals shining, but I usually fail at that sort of thing. Sometimes I do wonder why I bother with such small details when I know I can't do them justice on film. It's like I have to keep saying, 'trust me, it looks better in person.' Anyway, I need to sing Labyrinth songs until I find it a proper name today as well and then decided how much two days work of tatting and embellishment is worth to price it. Though I think I have at least that part sussed out. There is a lot of time to think when carefully sewing a running stitch for hours.
I also got a nice little order at the end of the day, so I have a couple of custom pieces to get made up. Once those are done it's back to the shoulder jewelry, I swear. Of course I also have a supply order coming in with new bits to play with too, so I can't promise I won't get distracted by them either. Man, am I just the consummate professional or what? Always on task, never stalling on new projects...p r o f e s s i o n a l. No? Yeah, I know I'm scatterbrained, but I do like to try and at least make a plan. Plans are good even if they don't always work.
Sensational piece, and by the way, I think your dusk-photos are lovely; the detail is there and they are atmospheric and intriguing, befitting the mood of the mask. So there!
Fox : )
It's beautiful!! You did yet another awesome job! :-) You are definitely a professional.
That is really lovely!! I think it's my favorite piece!
The one thing I've often wondered is... what do you use to hold the mask on?
Thanks everyone!
@Lily The masks are worn with a simple ribbon I lace though the sides and tie behind.
A truly lovely piece!!!
Beautiful piece, and will create lovely mystery for the wearer.
i love labrynth!! and i love the names you get from it. why not have a contest for labrynth inspired names for this mask or future pieces.
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