I've never been one of those people who lets pride get in the way of a great opportunity. I've never minded getting help from others to pimp my wares. Maybe it's a sign of weak character, but I'm fine with it. Just a few months ago I was offered the chance to loan out some tatted pieces for a photo shoot and as I've already showed the results of that event, you know I did. The photo shoot was put together by Kim Brown-Dye for her amazing hats. You may know her better as the milliner behind
TopsyTurvyDesign. She is not only a super talented artisan, but a really great person as well and I have enjoyed working with her immensely.
Part of the deal with the photo shoot was that we would cross promote with the photos in our listings, a mutually beneficial arrangement. These pictures have already gotten my pieces chosen for tons of treasuries and have landed me on the front page more than once. The benefits of this collaboration have already far outweighed any effort on my part by a mile. I'

Well, she just got the
featured seller spot on Etsy this week. That means a prime front page location that guarantees scads of views, hearts and sales. You would think that this does nothing for me, but you would be wrong. While I've seen only a minuscule fraction of the attention that she gets, I now have clear evidence that the cross promotion works. Whenever I get a new heart, I check out their other favorites and yesterday three of my hearts were received right after they hearted TopsyTurvyDesigns. That means they saw her on the front page, hearted her, saw my pieces, went to my store and then hearted me as well.
I know it's not direst sale evidence, but it is still the clearest indication that I'm being seen via her site. I had a feeling that associating with such an amazing artist would be good for me and I have no problem riding on her more successful coat tails just as far as they will take me. So thanks Kim, I hope you don't mind the extra weight!
Photos: Silent Shudder Photography / Model/MUA Beaux Deadly / Hat & Styling - Topsy Turvy Design
Thanks for the blog Pam!
The "coat tail riding" is definately mutual! I owe my biz to collaborative ventures & cross promotion & I know a mutually beneficial opportunity when I see one.
I have also received 3 confirmed orders from folks who found me via TotusMel!
Crosspromotion is a wonderful, wonderful thing & so is the world of TotusMel!
THe photos of lovely! They are something to be proud of as they show your pieces of beautifully!
Those photos are gorgeous. Shows off your tatted jewelry very nicely!
yeah the photos are pretty amazing. your pieces work so well with the styling. way to collaborate.
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