All this is absolutely ridiculous and I know that. Why have I begun to think like this? Simple, too many sellers are actually accommodating some or all of these requests. Most of them are new sellers, trying their hardest to attract and keep new buyers. Please, I beg of you, stop it! Oh, I get it, you want to offer the best possible customer service. That's fine, but you want to know a secret. The best customer service is a quality, accurately described product, shipped when you state it will ship, that arrives in good condition. Questions answered in a timely manner, not two minutes after you asked and perhaps a nice thank you note in the package. When you do too much more than that, you will undermine your ability to keep it up. Trust me, I know.

I am a stay at home mom, so I can answer a email or convo almost immediately most days of the week. If an order is not custom, I can have it packed and ready to ship by the next pick up. I have to remind myself that I don't have to keep that up. I do have other things that need to be done. Kids need food, dishes shouldn't really spill out of the sink like that, the cats will revolt if I don't get them some fresh water. Occasionally, I should leave the house.
My solution, business hours. Just because I can be available 12-14 hours a days, certainly doesn't mean I should be available that often. I'm even thinking that I should post hours on my profile page, so people don't think I'm ignoring them on Sunday when we visit the in-laws. Then, and this is the tricky part, I should follow those hours. We accept business hours from brick and mortar businesses, why shouldn't we accept them from online sellers. Remember that you are are probably not the only customer they are helping and they might actually have a life outside their business.
People, take back your lives and let others have theirs back too! I know running a business is hard work and can be long hours, but don't let this instant internet world make you too available or too demanding. Don't let your need for customers overwhelm your common sense and offer more free stuff than you can actually afford. Treat your customers well, but not like royalty, that's all most people expect, that's all you should expect.
Nice post, and I agree.
well put! I don't really like getting extras in my orders anyway. They're usually something I won't use, and therefore, waste. I do appreciate the good intentions, but lets all put that effort into quality products, accurate descriptions, better photos, and timely mailings. Good service isn't about giving extras, it's about quality and caring. Thank you for helping us all keep focus!
Lots of Food for thought.
So true.
I just want a quick email acknowleding the sale and then I want what I ordered, shipped out according to the seller's posted shipping schedule. (Shipping once a week is fine, if I can read that somewhere in the profile.) I want my shopping experience to be predictable and reliable.
Great point about business hours and sticking to it.
Fabulous entry, well-written and good insight!
What a brilliant idea to post (and keep) business hours. I'm going to do that! I could do this 24/7 and I'm always here "on demand". It's a great way to reel that in. Thanks for the suggestion! Don't be surprised if I blog about it (and give you full credit!)
I'm actually feeling a little relief!
I couldnt agree more. You've read my mind!
Yay! I get my wife back! And don't worry, I will help enforce your store hours! :^)
Ladies & Gentlemen...may I introduce my husband!
Very good blog and good advice..
GREAT post!!! I think I'll have to put something in my Shop Policy along those lines, but in less words of course, and nothing that would offend :P Thank you!
This is so true. I'm new to Esty but I have been selling other products online for years. I remember that as a new seller, I wanted to make sure I was getting off on the right foot with customer service, and at that time that meant promising to ship the very next day. Well it quickly became apparent that this was an ambitious promise I ultimately could not always keep. People do want fast shipping, but I find I get more satisfaction when items are packaged well and there is some kind of notification of shipping. I always email my customers when an order has shipped and include a confirmation number if applicable. I think that works for most people.
P.S. Love your blog!
Great points! Love the idea of business hours!
very very interesting read. makes complete sense
What a great post! I have a reduction in my stress level already. Thank you for pointing out the obvious that I couldn't yet see!
Good ideas.
too right. :-)
Terrific post!
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