I have an increasing number of one of a kind pieces that I have been letting expire from my etsy shop, so the deal is this: The more people who enter the more pieces I give away. After the first 25 people(not entries) I add a new prize, after the next 25 a new prize and that will keep going until Monday morning when I pull the winners with a maximum of six prizes.
What are the prizes? Let's see...I think we'll start with the earrings:

After that it will be this necklace:
Edited to add: The third prize, this bracelet has been unlocked!
I will edit this post to add pictures of the other pieces which include a bracelet and a few more necklaces as they are unlocked.
Oh, right, how to enter. Just leave a comment here for one entry. You can get additional entries by following me on twitter, liking my facebook page and if you already do those things you can get an additional entry for posting about the giveaway either place. Please leave all your entries in one comment so they're easier for me to count and make certain I can contact you. If there is no easily found email on your blogger account, leave a twitter handle, etsy name or email in your comment. If you don't, you can't win. Remember the prize count is contingent on the number of people who enter, not the number of entries. The giveaway is open to everyone and the winners will be posted in Monday mornings blog post so you have the weekend to enter.
Also anyone who enters and then makes a purchase from my etsy shop during the giveaway time period will be treated to a free gift with their order. Just mention the giveaway at checkout.
Good luck and get lots of people over here to enter!
I’d love to see a piece of your lovely tatting in ‘person!’
Fox : ))
I'd love to win something from you.
I follow on facebook and posted something there as well.
I was curious what you would do with the items that expired, this sounds like a good way to give them new homes.
I folow you on Facebook and posted a link to your blog as well.
As you know I always love your tatting. I have not chosen to be in the Facebook or twitter social clubs so this is my only entry.
Would love to win one of your piece's. I follow on facebook and will try to post later.
OOO - pick me pick me!
Love your work!
Please add me to the list: susiearnholt@writeme.com
I would love to give a home to some of your wonderful work :) Whom ever wins the giveaway will be a happy person
Would love to win! I follow on facebook, will post about this as soon as I can get to a computer where I can access facebook! Thanks for the great opportunity to win something of yours!
I could use a win; it's been a rough couple of weeks.
Please count me in!!!
Thanks Kelly
I would love to give that necklace a new home :)
Kohlea (khvanh@utu.fi)
What beautiful work! My cousin-in-law posted about your giveaway on FB and I just picked up tatting 2 days ago and had to come see. So I figured why not enter? I followed you on twitter and liked you on facebook as well. All under emmarose903.
Amazing work!
Your work is beautiful. I would be interested in following your give-a-way. If I had to choose between the earrings and the necklace, I would choose the necklace.
I am also fixing to post to the tatting groups on FB about your give-a-way.
I honestly can't imagine why they haven't sold! They're so pretty! I follow you on Facebook already, I'll be posting something on my wall.
email is 4blessingsfromGod@gmail.com
Your work is lovely,would be honored to win a piece.
I'm looking forward to seeing you on my Facebook and Twitter!
I love your work, and I have followed you everywhere I get to see more of it. :-)
Thanks for a bit of summer fun, Pamela. Good luck, everyone.
I would love to add another one of your gorgeous creations to my growing collection! I follow you FB and I'm putting a post to follow your blog. ...roxannenez@gmail.com
Thanks for making videos! Also, I *liked* your FB page, too.
I'd love to win one of your lovely pieces. I admire your work.
I can't resist the chance to win a piece... maybe if I win I'll finally be re-inspired enough to pick up my tatting projects again...
*deleted and re-posted to add:
If I had read more carefully I would have remembered to say that I follow on twitter and Facebook, and I will share as soon as I get to a real computer as my fb app doesn't have a share option.
Would be awesome. Thx so much for the chance
What fun! Would love to receive some of your work.
Cindy rbqdalaska@yahoo.com
Awesome stuff~
I love your work and would be delighted to own some for myself! I liked your FB page. Shieldmaiden.inIthilien@yahoo.com
I totally love your stuff!! So awesome!
I already follow you on twitter and fb, plus I just shared your blog giveaway on my fb page.
I love your work & thanks to your generosity of sharing patterns, I love needle tatting :)
your work is lovely, I would love to win a piece. Thanks for the giveaway.
I love your work... and so does everyone that I have given it too...
Your work is 'one of a kind' and I truly love what you have shared with the tatting world. Thank you. It would be an honor to win a tatting item from you.
I'm glad someone posted your information on FB, tatters page, you make beautiful lace!
I love your work! I was inspired to learn needle tatting by looking through your pieces.
Beautiful work. I can't do anything that tiny and gorgeous! Please keep going on and inspiring others.
Hi! Long time no talk/see/etc. I've been tatting a snood. I'm on round 5, or is it 6, of 10 rounds.
Love your Tatting, you are amazingly talented. Sharing on FB... And Liking.. Tweeting and following. Now to check out the ETSY...
I would love to be able to win one of your amazing pieces. Your work was one of the first things to show me what tatting could do.
Always beautiful pieces! Laivine at hotmail dot ca
Beautiful jewelry!
I have recently found out about tatting, mainly through your input on the internet. I loved it so much I 'm now learning as much as I can and then teaching it to school children that I work with in my local community. Please continue to post information about what you are doing. Its Great!
I love your work! Would love to have a piece of my very own, especially a one-of-a-kind! :) You can contact me via facebook or at swords-and-roses at hotmail dot com. Good luck, everyone!
Hi, I am #45. You are very generous to give away things you have tatted. Thank you, I would like to be considered also.
Linda R
Hey, I already follow you on Twitter and Like you on Facebook. And I also shared about your giveaway on Facebook. And, like always, want to say you have the most amazing tatted jewelry!
Count me in Please! Love all the work you do, great pieces.
I think your stuff looks amazing! i found out about you through the post my sister put on her fb page about your giveaway. I will now be liking your fb page and re-posting on my feed. Also if i can figure out the whole twitter thing i would love to follow you on there as well.
Thanks! Amanda - munkimaniac13@yahoo.com
Hey there :) Nice contest!! I follow you on twitter and liked on facebook. I Tweeted and posted to my Facebook too!
I've been traveling, so I'm glad I caught this post! Off to go tweet and post on fb!
I would love to enter into your contest. I love your work, you do a wonderful job. I've also told all about your giveaway on my face book page: West Pine Creations.
Love your work!
I'm not sure if I already entered, beautiful work.
I would be so thrilled to have a piece of your lovely tatting.
I read your Facebook page every day and have learned to needle tat. Thanks sooo much for your patterns and tutorials.
So i like to read your blog at 9 here which must be 530 in Cali as I am usually one of the first to comment so I waited hoping I would get aired random number!!!! Love tour blog love your work!!! Three entries for me please commenting and shouting out your give away on Facebook and twitter of course I already like and follow good luck to me!!!!!
Thank you for hosting such a gorgeous giveaway!!! My wrist hurts; I think it's aching for that bracelet! :-D
I also:
Follow you on Twitter.
{i}Tweeted{/i} about the giveaway.
Follow you on Facebook.
Posted about the giveaway on Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/S9384/posts/467973466565562?notif_t=like)
Stephanie Grace
I love everything you make! Am a Twitter follower, FB liker, and just RTd the giveaway. I hope your weekend will be a good one and I look forward to your Monday recap.
Pretty please? Would love to see your work in person!
Wow what an offer. I do follow you on the blog and on Facebook.
Luv Jane XX
Beautiful prizes! I follow you on twitter via @aquariann and fb as Kristin Aquariann.
underwater at aquariann dot com
Just got back from a few days away to find this post waiting - may your generosity be richly rewarded.
Hope to be lucky. Love your designs.
Those earrings are beautiful! I have already followed you on Twitter and liked your page on Facebook.
Simeon Huff
Yay I love my stuff from you! <3 I follow you on twitter @pretty_serious, and on etsy I'm imscentiable. I follow you on Facebook (Lena Wright) and tweeted about you! https://mobile.twitter.com/pretty_serious/status/222060563973419008
I follow you on twitter (EnfantSauvage) and on Facebook! Awkwardgirl at gmail dot com <3
these are beautiful!
<3 Melissa
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