Monday, May 19, 2014

New Pattern

You might remember, back when I released the International Tatting Day pattern, that I said I had another ready to go. Well that was almost true. I had written it up and passed it on to a couple of test tatters. Then I sort of forgot about it for awhile. Then when I realized that I hadn't gotten any further feedback on the pattern, I just didn't want to impose of folks doing me a favor and pester them. So I went about editing and rewriting it myself with some of their feedback. When I reached the point where more eyes were needed, I called upon another wonderful tatter to run the gauntlet for me. She did so at record speed.
Why am I telling you all this? Well it's just unnecessary buildup to announcing that I finally do have another needle tatting pattern in the shop. I'm calling it Scallops, and it contains instructions for earrings, a necklace and a bracelet. I designed all the pieces some time ago, based on an antique edging. Of course I did quite a lot of work redesigning and adapting the basic shape to fit my needs, even on the bracelet.

I figure getting this done was my work for the weekend, but when I had it ready to list, I also went back and remade a sold necklace. Not the one I've been stalling over, but another one entirely. It's yet another piece based on a vintage handkerchief edging. I did so many modifications on this one, whole new elements, that it was hard to remake. I had the original pattern, a prototype that I had made many changes after, and photographs to sort through to figure out all that I had done. Yes, I am aware all my problems would be solved if I wrote all these damn pattern out. You know I'm going to, I'm just going to keep complaining because that's what I do.

Today I'm hoping to sell a few patterns and I'm also hoping that there is nothing further wrong with them. Also I think I might stop stalling and get back to that everlasting queue of mine.

1 comment:

Vi Merveilles said...

I found an earring pattern on pintrest that very similar: