Friday, February 14, 2014


Well, yesterday was a better day, if not a more productive one. The kid's schooling site behaved and we got through their classes in record speed. I suppose that was partly because I was expecting the site to still go down any second and I didn't want to waste a minute.

It wasn't long after schooling ended that our weekend guests arrived, my brother and sister-in-law. We haven't seen them in well over a year, so you can imagine that the afternoon was given over to catching up and other nonsense. It wasn't until late afternoon that they took a rest and I got a little tatting done.

Of course all I really got done was day 14 of the TIAS. With just two more bits left I should know what is that I'm making, but I still haven't a clue at all. It's better that way though, it keeps the mystery alive and confuses the family as well.

If you hadn't guessed, I did not get the choker finished nor listed yesterday and the odds are not in favor of getting that accomplished today either. I'm much more likely to finish schooling and spend the rest of the day just hanging out with the family and talking until my throat is sore. Maybe I'll manage to do so while my fingers fly over some thread. At the very least I'm hoping to have the new choker listed by the end of the weekend so I can at least emerge triumphant on Monday.

1 comment:

Madtatter80 said...

it's funny how blue jeans works so good to display light colored tatting!