Tuesday, April 22, 2014


Well it definitely wasn't much of a Monday. Normally that may be assumed to be a good thing, but not this time. Along with some extra adventuring, the husband was determined to clean our computer room. Some people have a study, we have a room of computers and I have one quarter of it...maybe. So, since he wanted to clean, I got to clean too. That was most of the day.

https://www.etsy.com/listing/186962147/tatted-lace-cuff-bracelet-elaborate?I did sneak off after I had finished most of my side to finally get the new bracelet listed. I was quite flattered that it was favorited by several people quite quickly. It's been a long time since a piece got that reaction. Of course, I'm getting desperate for sales again, so I was hoping for more. I will, of course, take what I can get.

Aside from the cleaning and the listing, I did very little yesterday. My excuse is that all that cleaning caused massive dust allergies and that sapped my will to accomplish anything larger than getting a snack or swiping a screen on my phone.

So that brings us to today. Schooling is back in session and I'm hoping the return to routine has me spending some time with a needle and thread in my hand. I need a little creative meditation and a day without dust.


Madtatter80 said...

This is a cute pattern!

SWtrompeter said...

The bracelet is lovely. I discovered if I wear a mask - something for 'wound care' that fits the nose/mouth area pretty securely - my dust allergy doesn't get *quite* as dramatic when I have to clean. Same for pollen - when oak is high on the list in the pollen count, the mask gets worn even if all I need to do is get something from the car, practically *at* the front door. It helps me - I hope it's helpful for you, too.