Monday, June 10, 2013


It really was such a long weekend that I'm having a bit of difficultly remembering what I even did on Friday. We had a bit of a heat wave over the weekend and I contend that it cooked the memory right out of me, not to mention the number it did on my productivity.

On Friday I managed to do the one thing I swore I was going to get done for days. I finished and listed the two color necklace. Then I don't think I did too much else. I had a house to clean up a bit as my brother was staying with us Saturday and last night, so I think that's where I focused my energy. Then I got a text from my sister letting me know her youngest son had appendicitis and was going in for surgery. Everything worked out just fine, but that did occupy much of our thoughts the rest of the day.

On Saturday was had a Lowe's Build and Grow building thing, followed by early errands as the heat was already getting powerful. Then we had a family birthday party for the poor nephew that had just had his appendix removed. That was pretty much the whole of the day as I couldn't be bothered to do much else when it's 106º outside.

Sunday was another lazy day. We watched the children swim the morning away at the in-laws house and then sat about not doing too much at all. Today I do have to make up for all the laziness though. There are two days left of schooling and I did all one piece over the weekend that I need to get remade and it's a big one, so that should take my spare time today. Then I really should get all the school stuff ready to be packed up and sent back so as soon as I get the labels It can get it all out of here. Then I can spend the rest of the day dreading the jury duty I have to attend tomorrow afternoon and crossing my fingers that it is just a one day inconvenience. Yep, it's going to be a long day, but at least is suppose to be much cooler.

1 comment:

West Pine Creations said...

Beautiful pendent. Like the color combo, really enhances the design.