Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Free Time

I really should have shown you this picture yesterday, maybe then we would have all started out the day in a better place. This is what the husband refers to as, 'if I fits, I sits'. I am certain I have the internet and LOL cats to blame for the grammatical atrocity, but I suppose it is appropriate. This was of course right after the child had emptied the basket of all it's candy contents leaving a nice soft paper shred bed behind. The cat stayed there until he was over annoyed by the children who thought he was being adorable.

On to yesterday now. I spent the morning doing wunderkammer posts for the entire week so I would be free from self imposed obligations. That means that barring any immediate shop issues or custom orders, I am free to pretend I am on vacation too. Okay, that is only partly true, I still have dishes and laundry and a fairly long list of other tasks that never go away for me. These are the days I wish I was still a kid, but since you can't go back, we do what we can.

We went out to let the children spend birthday money and our last stop was Michael's. The youngest loves all the art kits things...okay, both the kids do, but it was her gift certificate. While we were at the checkout line I spied these mini butterfly cross stitch kits for a buck fifty so I picked up four of them to make for the kids. The youngest wanted to make one herself, but I'm pretty sure it would be unwise to hand her this tiny needle. Even if she could handle the needle, I've seen many an adult go mad from counted cross stitch. I told her I'd find a kids kit for her. You know the printed ones with the plastic needle. That would be the right path I think.

So today it's off to Monterey in the rain. We figured it might actually be nice to visit the aquarium in the rain or it might at least take the edge off the holiday crowd. Well that and we really have no choice if we want to go as it is supposed to be raining all week. I'll try to get some nice jelly fish picture for tomorrow's post since clearly there will be no tatting.


Unknown said...

Some days are like that with little or no tatting. Love the kitty pic, too. Have a good "vacation" even if it is just pretend.

Vicky said...

How old is the youngest? She might be fine with counted cross stitch. My mom taught me when I was very little, probably around the time I'd just learned colors. I'm not sure I could even read then, but I did just fine. :) She even taught all of my cousins once, at the same time, even the boys. And now as a grown woman, I can't stand the pre-printed stitchery kits! Give me a blank canvas and a chart any day!