Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Mail Call

Guess what I got in the mail yesterday? Go ahead, I'll wait...yes, I got my new corset. I immediately laced the sucker on and proceeded to gasp for air for the next two hours. I do remember that this was the exact sensation I experienced two months ago when I started with my larger corset. I couldn't even make it through the whole day at first. Of course after I had had enough I put my old one back on and it was as if I was wearing a t shirt. That corset will now be the sleep corset and the new one for days. The new one is still a good fit, so I've not doubt that in a months time it too be perfectly comfortable, so yay!

One note, if you like this one and plan on getting it, the flower design is a raised velvet and on one side the grain goes up and the other down. So if you look at it for a top of bottom angle, one side is darker than the other. I kind of like it like that, but thought it would be good to know.

My husband is giving me a hard time about my assumptions regarding our house move. You see, I am working on the idea that we will in fact close this weekend and start to move. He, however, is under the assumption that Murphy will win out and he's not even thinking about moving until the next weekend. I suppose it doesn't really matter, but I feel all floopy without a definite date to work with here. So many things can't be done until I know for sure what's going on. I'm running out of supplies that need ordering, but it's pointless to order them until I know which address I'll be at next week. I know, I know...just breath, it'll be over soon enough. I've put a closing warning on the etsy storefront, but I think I may revise it a bit to indicate more uncertainty. I suppose I'll calm down a bit and try to just roll with it.


Sewicked said...

Is there anyone who might receive packages for you during this time of uncertainty? Then you could order what you need, friend accepts package, and you get from friend no matter what your address is.

TotusMel said...

Oh, I'm sure, but I should take a break anyway. I'm just whining a bit.

Unknown said...

What a lovely corset! Nice choice *smile*

Good luck with the move, hopefully you get some more definite details soon!


Krystle said...

Congrats on the house, we are in the same boat you were in awhile ago....waiting to hear back from the bank.....waiting some more....

Will you get your own tatting space in the new house?

TotusMel said...

There's plenty of space in the new house, but I imagine I'll tat on the couch as always!

that_rat said...

Not a hard time...a reality check. Until we get a hard solid date for what the closing costs are and when we can get the keys, will I be more on board for the moving.

Sidereal Day said...

Nice corset, and what an itty bitty waist.
I feel for you on the house stuff. When things are hanging in the air like that it's sheer torture for me.

. c h o k l i t . said...

Your new corset is HAWT! And it's lovely enough to be used for costume purposes, not just utilitarian. Perhaps a new outfit needs to be assembled...? Of course, after the craziness of moving.