Tuesday, June 16, 2009


...from my living room this time. We rolled into town around six and I began the drawn out process of unpacking, doing laundry and accounting for money spent and crap bought. This task shall continue today and I get to add a couple of special order necklaces and a few new listings to the list. So where are all the pictures today? Well, we used many cameras amongst our group and literally hundreds of pictures still need to uploaded and shared. When I get them sorted, I promise there will be some shared here and on flickr, but that's just not the highest of priorities.

Yes, we had a good time, but it was far from relaxing. We saw many sites, met many people and spent a ridiculous amount of time on the road. There is one high I would like to share this morning. On our way back from Washington we made a small detour to meet the lovely and talented Diana Crites of Paynesgrey on the etsy and her amazing family. They provided us with a much needed break from the road, a tasty lunch and best of all their company.

I have been so pleasantly surprised meeting my online friends in the real world. They have been added to the list of people we wish lived closer so that we could spend more time with them. I've got many more stories to tell, but honestly I'm still tired, so I think that's all for now. More on the 'morrow.

1 comment:

TatForFun said...

Welcome back; though you in fact never away from your blog ^_^. Hope you enjoyed your holiday as well as unpacking LOL