Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Silly Cat

What a long day I had. It started with assembling a new nightstand for our guest room. I mostly mention that as an explanation for the photograph. The cat assumed that I made this object for him and climbed inside just as soon as there was an inside for him to climb into.

After that project the kids were off with their grandparents for the day, so I had errands to run. Then with an empty house, I had their gifts to wrap. That was followed by cleaning bathrooms, my favorite. I wrapped the free time by watching some Black Mirror and making more gift bracelets.

Late in the evening I got an order in the shop for a couple of necklaces, so I packed those right up and popped them in the mailbox so they'd be out first thing this morning. At least one of them definitely needs to be remade straight away so I'll start with that today. Of course there is still more cleaning and preparing for hosting house guests, so I'm guessing my day will be busy one way or another.

1 comment:

  1. I love how cats feel so entitled to anything and everything. Our current inside cat Catarina loves the tree skirt we have and any opportunity she has, she will sit under it (given the dog is outside or kenneled). Catarina is still not a fan of the dog. Said cat also feels entitled to fresh water, dripping from the sink faucet, any time I set foot in the bathroom. It's a race for her it seems, to make it on to the counter before I set foot into the bathroom. But they are adorable and I'm sure my cat would have fought your cat for that much sought after space.
