Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Black Star

Well normally I wouldn't mention the news of the day, or yesterday, because you clearly get plenty of that elsewhere, but as it affected my day and my tatting, I should probably at least add it as context. Like legions of other people I was quite fond of David Bowie and his passing definitely had me a bit weepy and nostalgic.

 I folded paper stars while I was reading in the morning and by afternoon I felt the need to get tatting. Maybe it was feeling that I should mark his passing with a little creativity of my own since so much left the earth with him. Whatever it was got me tatting, I ended up with what seems to have become a black star. That's the name of the album that he just released Friday. The star wasn't actually intentional though, I think it was a subconscious tribute.

I've no idea what I plan on doing with the star. I suppose it makes a nice large pendant as it is, but I'm sure it has something else to be, so I'll play with it today while I'm a little less sad and see what it wants to become after this.

1 comment:

  1. I must be the only person on the planet who doesn't know much about this musician, but I never really enjoyed listening to any music in my younger days, so probably his era bypassed me. I often think how strange it is that someone as completely unmusical as I am has produced three musicians amongst my children! ( but I still don't go to concerts unless someone I love is playing.....) That's a very nice star, most appropriate tribute for someone you admired.
