Tuesday, February 3, 2015


Since I had just one last day off before schooling begins again, I used my best stalling powers to avoid doing anything productive. The morning was spent reading and lounging, but by lunch time I actually wanted to do something. I certainly didn't want to make the other ankle corset like I should though, so instead I doodled some lace up. I wasn't sure what I was going to make, so I started with loose split chains and eventually joined them up for what I can only describe as a sort of sea shell. This is about when I had an actual idea.

I took the basic structure I created and added a second one to the other side. It took some creative thinking to get all the pieces to look like I wanted them to. It's funny how sometimes the simplest product can have such a complicated beginning. Anyway, after some stitch changes and some tension fixing, I ended up with this necklace. I added some thick, but very light black chain to the sides and I was done. I had toyed around with adding a dangle to the center, but in the end, the clean line won out.

So today after schooling, I'll get this up in the shop. I might also play around with other things I might do with this new technique. Okay, it's probably not actually new at all, but it's new to me. so I'm going to play with it. I might even bust out some colored thread and make a few of these up with it mostly to cement the skill. Either way, I have plenty more things to stall with now. I may never finish those big pieces now.


  1. I really like the simplicity and modernity of this design.
    Well done!
    The first "half" could be used as earrings maybe?

  2. I like it! I struggle with split rings sometimes
