Friday, January 16, 2015


I was really bad yesterday, I didn't pick up my tatting needle at all. I'm going to go ahead and just blame the kids though. Well, not them exactly, but we did have a school outing to go bowling and it did take up a rather large chunk of the afternoon. Since the morning already belongs to them for schooling, I figure it's safe to lay the blame there.

Of course that's mostly bull, I found myself enough time to finish the book I've been reading. I even went to download the next one in the series, but discovered it was half the cost to just buy the paperback, so I ordered that instead. I probably needed a bit of a break from reading anyway so waiting a couple of days for it to arrive sounded liked a good plan. I also found some time to knit. The yarn I'm using is really thin, so there is a lot more of it than I anticipated left in the skein. I really have no idea when I'll run out, so I could be knitting this for another week or so. At least I know I'll have something cozy for my neck when it's done.

With my book finished I should be able to tat a little without too many excuses. Though I did make a mistake yesterday that is playing on my confidence. Someone linked me to something tatted they saw on pintrest, likely just amazed they'd run across something like that. My mistake was to continue browsing though the pins of tatting. I feel like a complete designing failure compared to so many of those creations. I am just lazy, uninteresting, and plain unskilled. I'm not certain what I'm going to do with these new found inadequacies, but I expect me to be more maudlin than usual, at least for a while. My apologies in advance.


  1. Please don't let yourself get discouraged. You are a very talented designer and I know a lot of tatters wish they were as "bad" as you at it.

  2. Wow love the color and the knitting is very nice work!
