Friday, October 4, 2013

A Bracelet and a Tweet

So I was getting ready to put together the new pieces when I made a last minute decision to use a hook on the bracelet instead of a clasp. Now I could have just cut out a few elements and redone them to accomplish this, but I really do hate doing that with final pieces, so I held off on listing the bracelet and just got the necklace up instead. I've also been dealing with my face misbehaving lately, so I kind of skimped on the listing pictures.

Once that was listed, I went to work remaking the bracelet. As a aside effect, that gives me the prototype I need in the first bracelet, so two birds with one tatting needle. Oh, that would be gruesome. Forget I wrote that.

I didn't get the bracelet listed yet, but I should get it listed today. With the way I worked the hook side, I should be able to make it an inch longer if needed, but these designs with large motifs are otherwise too difficult to customize. It does also only look right when it's sitting low on the hand like this. It just looks a bit odd further up the wrist. At least I managed new things these last couple of days. I feel almost productive.

Oh, one last bit of, well, sort of, news. When I checked in on my shop this morning there was an inordinate amount of traffic overnight. I checked my stats and it was this lovely tweet sent out by Etsy that did it.
 So, thanks Etsy for the shout out and the extra traffic it sent my way while I slept. It was certainly a nice little surprise to wake up to.

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