Tuesday, May 28, 2013

From the Past

The thing about days off around here is that the term generally only applies to the other people in the household. No matter how little they manage to do during the day, I still seem to have an endless supply of tasks to tackle. The clothes still need washing, the dishes still need to be unloaded and reloaded into the washer and they all seem to still want to eat and apparently I'm suppose help with that. Then there's my shop that still needs attending to not to mention all the four legged children that think me resting is a sign of weakness.

I managed to finally get everything that I wanted to remake, remade. I still haven't listed them all again though. I like to space out listings to keep the shop looking as fresh as possible. Since I had been so busy with all this remaking I'd been neglecting some of my other online places, Facebook and twitter mostly. Since those are the sort of places where people seem to forget all about you if you're gone for a minute I decided to do a quick giveaway from some of the pieces I had taken out of the shop a while ago on my Facebook page.

One got so many compliments that I decided that I had to remake it for the shop again. I used to have a few pieces that used this motif including a two color necklace version. I'm not entirely sure why I stopped using it, maybe because the weaving of the outside row can be fiddly or maybe I got bored. I suppose it doesn't matter now. I'll get it listed as a pendant today and if I'm feeling up to it, I might just recreate the old necklace design as well.

I do have quite a week scheduled up though. There's a doctor's appointment for the child tomorrow and both girls year end celebration on Thursday afternoon. There is still about two and half weeks of schooling left as well. I was hoping to just take a week long nap at that point, but I have jury duty on their last day of school too. No need to think that far ahead though, Celtic triangles and schooling the kids today. That's as far as I need to think right now.

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