Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Bye Boo

I have sad cat news to share this morning. Yesterday we had to put one of our older cats, Boo to sleep. He had developed a tumor some time ago and was otherwise doing just fine until just a few weeks ago. He slowly grew thinner and weaker. We know we should have done this sooner as the last week he got really bad, but we were having trouble being grownups and letting go. Luckily I have a saint for a mother-in-law and she offered to do this final task for us.

Boo was a hobo kitten that showed up on our upstairs apartment doorstep over a decade ago and wouldn't go away. I told the husband not to let the kitten in while I was at work and he of course did anyway. He was a good cat who loved company, but was never too fond of the kids. I think this was easier than putting down our oldest cat two years ago, but just barely. This picture was from his kitten days with our oldest cat, Cleo. As he got older it was hard to tell the two of them apart until you looked right in their eyes. So we're down to six cats now and I've informed the rest of them that they are to be Methuselah cats who live far past their usefulness and die calmly in their sleep. I certainly don't think I can handle another of these tragic illnesses any time soon, but there are still two older cats left and I dread when the sibling kittens are all old at the same time. It's going to be a nightmare.

So as you can imagine I got little to nothing accomplished yesterday oscillating between overly emotional and emotionally numb. There was a little remaking, but nothing of consequence. In a strange coincidence the one thing I did sell and remake yesterday was my cat ears headband. The Universe has an odd sense of timing. I'll try to get some of the things done today that I wanted to yesterday, but no promises. I'm likely to be a bit broken for a little while longer and therefore almost useless.


  1. Sorry to hear of the loss of your beloved cat. You will be emotional for a little while but you will find your inspiration again. Just take your time to mourn your furry friend.

  2. I'm so sorry for your loss! *hug* Healing takes time. Take as much as you need.

  3. I am so sorry. Being a lifelong companion of felines, I have had to make this trip a couple of times myself and know how truly painful it is. Thinking about you and Boo...

  4. I'm so sorry for your loss. We had to put a cat down last year and it was quite emotional, not only for me but also our then 6 year old daughter. Will be thinking of you and your family..

  5. I am sorry to hear of your loss. In time, fond memories will replace the sadness.

  6. I've been there too, and know how it must feel. My condolences on your loss, and blessings to you and the rest of your family.

  7. Sorry to hear about your sweet Boo. Hugs

  8. Sorry to hear about your sweet Boo. Hugs
