Wednesday, May 23, 2012

The Wind

Well I started the day on task. I got orders in the mail, finished and listed the anklet in black and got to work remaking a couple of things. Then I started feeling distracted. I had laundry to do and I really ought to get he house cleaned up for the weekend for my daughter's birthday party. I did the laundry, but not the cleaning as this was the point in the day where the lovely windy day outside delivered its massive payload of pollen through our open windows and I began to go down like a tranquilized elephant.

I remember a time when I had no idea what pollen count was, when I could frolic outside on a Spring day and breath at the same time. Those days are gone and this Spring has been the worst in recent memory. The allergy pills can't even seem to make a dent it some days. On a related note, my rash finally cleared up, so there's that at least.

All my allergy related stalling leaves me this morning with quite a few tasks to complete today. There are still a couple more pieces to be tatted and I managed to make up, but not finish a raspberry pink anklet. You know I'm not overly fond of pink, but this is the shade that the purple portion of my hair fades to, so I have a soft spot for it...but I digress. I need to get that listed today. I will definitely need to get on some cleaning before things get out of hand as well. I won't have time to do much tomorrow as it is the child's actual birthday and there will be adventuring. That will just leave today and Friday to undo what my laziness allows to occur around here. So here's to a day free from allergy haziness. May my mind stay focused and may I stay on task and while I'm at it may the wind always be at your back.

1 comment:

  1. I recall days of frolicking as well, so your account of allergies amuses me. Have you tried that syrup stuff for allergies? Seems to work really well. Maybe that's because it knocks me out though. You can't have allergies when you're dead to the world.
