Thursday, September 15, 2011


So much stuff yesterday. Well, nothing too interesting, but I was so busy yesterday even I'm beginning to wonder how I did it all without falling apart at the seams. There was laundry and dishes, schooling and some serious kids battles to mediate. There were ant invasions and countless other small tasks. The whole time I was dealing with the busiest etsy day I've had in a long time oh and did I mention the day long headache I had? There were a handful of custom request emails that required many back and forth messages, a few regular orders and well over two dozen messages just from etsy to field. On top of all that I had to, of course start working on a couple of these custom requests and stress about the one who still hasn't made their purchase. I am now exhausted just recounting all this to you and I just woke up.

I had two sets of custom bobby pins to make and I still have a custom length bracelet to finish on that order. On a related note, why is it so impossible to get purple to look purple using my phone camera? I swear these are both nice crayon bright colors, but the colors never seem to work and I was too lazy to get out the real camera to take a picture. Anyway, today I have some necklaces to adjust before I send them out and if I get that last custom order to go through I'll begin to work on that. Otherwise I now have a few pieces that need remaking and I still have one last ankle corset to finish up.

I fear that today will be just as exhausting as yesterday. Of course there's always the opposite and that drives me up an entirely different wall. Once I've had so many emails to answer and things to take care of I get all on edge anticipating the next communication and when it doesn't come I get all weird and antsy. This means I get less done because I'm constantly on high alert and distracted. Once the feeling passes I can usually get down to work and since I didn't wake up to a dozen more messages I might be fine. I guess we'll just have to wait and see huh?

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