Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Does No One Respect Routine

Yesterday, not quite as planned. Well it started out just fine or as routine as it could be, then there was the afternoon. We had a field trip to go bowling which was a load of fun for the kids, but it was there that I learned that the dinner we were going to casually host on Thursday was now going to be bigger and on Wednesday. Have I mentioned lately that I have seven cats and tile floors throughout much of bottom floor of the house? Have you ever seen how fur behaves under these conditions? The point is, I had to rush home and start vacuuming up everything I had been neglecting straight away and don't get me started on the slow mess forming in the kitchen that must be tamed.

So though I did manage to keep on task in the morning and get a few pieces done, the afternoon was a complete wash. This also means that today is likely to follow the same pattern. I'll get some stuff done in the morning, but I will need to finish the clean up this afternoon instead of tatting. Luckily I was far ahead of schedule, but there is still quite a bit left to do.

In other news, I was contacted by someone at the Surface Design Association quite some time ago for inclusion in an article for their quarterly magazine which I received a copy of yesterday. You can see the cover here, but it's not available online and it appears you must be a member of the association to get the magazine away. I meant to scan the pages I was mentioned on, but I was unexpectedly busy(see above), so I will try to do that today so you can see it. The article was about the rise of the DIY movement and I was one of the etsy sellers that they briefly mentioned and they included a picture of my ankle corsets. Even though it is a very specific audience, I am glad of any exposure I receive for myself and for tatting, so thanks for the mention SDA.

So here's hoping anything that happens today that could be called 'eventful' is the good kind and in the absence of that I'll take calm and productive.

1 comment:

  1. I know your pain... It's almost gem show time here in Tucson, and I *should* be spending my time working on new jewelry to wear to parties and shopping lists for the shows, but no, my brother-in-law invited himself to stay for a WEEK, ending the day before the show I work at starts. And my husband said yes without consulting me. So now I have to clean the house instead. *grumble mutter*
