Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Happy Blogaversary To Me

Well, here we are one full year of blogging. So as I am obsessed with statistics, I thought I'd take a look at mine. When I first started this project, I had no idea what were considered good numbers. With no basis for comparison I tried to get the biggest numbers as quickly as possible, a completely pointless endeavor. I'm now happy with my modest, but consistent numbers. In the past year there have been well over 22,000 from 11,800 visitors from 92 countries. I know theses numbers are far from amazing. I'm just writing a little tatting blog about me and my craft, but they are amazing to me.

Today is also the last day to enter my giveaway and take advantage of my sale. If you haven't yet, click the huge purple link above and get yourself entered to win one of 5 different tatted prizes. In fact if just 8 more people get entered today, I'll add yet another pendant to the pool for a total of 6 prizes. My anniversary on etsy is about a month away so this event is acting as a celebration for that as well. I tell you this just so you get that this is the only event of this kind I'll be having for another year.

So I'm sitting here not only thinking about what the past year brought for me, but also thinking about what plans I have for the future. I'm certain that I will come up with many more designs and lines of tatted goodness. I plan on putting together a few more needle tatting instructables, one of those in the next month or so. I hope I can continue to write occasionally interesting things that keep my small number of visitors consistent and I hope that all the new eyes that I have lured in with my giveaway continue to come back and visit me once the free stuff is all gone. Thanks to all of you that have read my ramblings and commented over the last year. Your support and feedback has been wonderful and I am lucky to have met so many wonderful people through this experience. So even though I never thought I'd be a blogger and I still don't consider myself a real one, I am glad that I gave it a go.


  1. Congratulations! As a new blogger, it's comforting to see someone else was so worried about numbers early on. I'm trying to get past that hump and be glad of the consistent readers I have and will (hopefully) continue to inspire as time goes on.

    Speaking of which, this seems as good a time as any to thank you for the great blog. I only recently started following you, but I definitely enjoy reading what you have to say. Thank you!

  2. Happy anniversary! And thanks for the great blog!

  3. Well, even though I said it prematurely before, congrats on shouting out from your street corner for a year now! May you be inundated with more hits and comments than you know what to do with!

  4. Happy Blogaversary! Mine passed quietly just six weeks ago, but I'm nowhere near as prolific as you. I'll probably celebrate 100 posts instead... could be a while...


  5. Congrats. I enjoy reading your blogs and seeing your new work. I am glad Topsy Turvy sent me your way....


  6. Yay, Happy Blogaversary, TotusMel!

  7. You deserve all the good things that come to you, Miss TotusMel. You make such a quality, original product.
    *is wearing Ladies to Lunch at this very moment*

  8. Congratulations on the anniv. I am looking forward to following your tatting goodness now that I have found you!
