Thursday, May 8, 2008

Just Breath...

Yesterday certainly took a lot out of me. I knew when I wrote yesterday's post up that it would cause a little drama, but I really didn't think it would get quite that crazy and heated. There was some heated discourse that I thought came to a nice calm conclusion, but it kept coming back. I'm afraid it became the thread that would not die over in the forums. At least I met some lovely people and got some of that attention I clearly crave.

Then the mail man brought me my photo purchase from gracedesignsphoto. You may know her better as TimothyAdamsDesigns wife, but she is certainly in possession of her own great talent. This photo not only calmed me down a bit after a few forum jabs landed, but it also so very inspiring. I managed to be her first sale and she tells me that she will be adding many new photos soon, so I do suggest you take a look. The colors are amazing and bright. She is also appears to be quite a lovely person.

So take a look. Take a break. Relax, put on the song "Breath" by telepopmusik and enjoy.


  1. survived! Glad you got a special treat in the mail to help calm you.

  2. Amazing how worked up some people get over cyberspace. It's not real life folks. Get a grip, get outside, go play with your kids/dog/fish/Wii...and relax. Nobody's out to "get" you. :-)

    Mel...I like quirky friends. Will you be my cyber buddy? :-D

  3. glad my photography could brighten up your day a little! thanks for the gracious blog about me and my work. :)

  4. You did a great job yesterday..Glad you now have some happy news with your packages..I have to say, most people agree with you, so that tells you were right on.

  5. I thought you responded to the counterpoints to your thread post(some a little harsh) very well. You started a valid subject for a discussion that managed to stay civil.

    I'm not sure I would have been as gracious as you were.

    And I have to agree with texastesla's comment that some people seem to be overly vested in Etsy's forums, but that is just my opinion. I only post there very occasionally and I find I'm getting alot more done in my studio. I was very tempted today to post some pictures of all the jewelry I made during the time that thread lasted. That is what keeps me out of the forums--wanting to be productive.
